Slow progress

This cross-stitch was a present from walkingMarj nearly a year ago. I didn't start it right away but there is a lot of work in it and so it has been slow going, however, it is now at the stage where you can get a good idea of the finished result.
I did a little bit today to relax after a day that turned out busier than expected.
I had to go to Perth today and as I was setting out there was a loud clunk from under the car. I got out and looked and couldn't see anything but a stone and as the car seemed to be okay I cautiously carried on. However, it bothered me so on return I had a look around and found a bit of metal that had obviously sheered off a vehicle so it was back to the garage (the car was in yesterday to get checked for a suspension problem which can wait until the next service) to see if it could belong to my car. They couldn't check it straightaway so I had to make complicated arrangements with Mr Rat to collect me and all the newsletters in the car boot so I could finish work, leave the car and get to the craft group.
Still waiting to hear about it (apparently it's a bit of a suspension coil) so hope they can fix it tomorrow - assuming it does need to be fixed.
Did manage to get some newsletters delivered and nearly all the rest have been passed on to others for delivery.

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