
Well actually not. Altho descended from wolves dogs don’t actually do a lot of howling at the moon. I howl at the doorbell and there seems to be a lot of synergy to that as it has enhanced my reputation a lot and families bring their kids to see me perform, but the moon is pretty boring really.
The Boss had planned another shot for tonight but it should still be available tomoro morning where this moon may not so we will use the grab what you have and use it rules that make Blip workable and fun and wait till tomoro to find the great idea has gone away or it rained or something. For all those who enquired his presentation this morning was on Snapseed and Photo transfer app which he used to get the pic from his iPhone to iPad which was connected to the projector and the whole morning was presented from the iPad. There are some members who do not own a PC or laptop any more, just an iPad and Airprint printer. Time flies with Technology.
This shot was done out of the bedroom window as the moon gets quite close to a plantation on the next hill and The Boss thought it was worth the trouble and tripod.

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