CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Katie and Bruno

An 'orrible and wet day - probably even the ducks would stay home. So here is Katie (my granddaughter) showing her love for Bruno the Rottweiler while she is concentrating hard on some strange Minecraft video/episode on the internet via my wife's laptop. Sophie was around but I took this 'candid' shot quickly because I was feeling pretty unwell with no intentions of going out again - having already been out at a gathering of Pastors and retired Pastors in the morning.

Those of you who have been visiting my Journal since the beginning may remember that back in January, Katie was clearly demonstrating her undying love for Bruno, as you can see here

For those of you luxuriating in the balmy weather down south, enjoy it - we will get our turn soon ... won't we .... yes .... we WILL.

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