David Rawson BEM

One of my favourite Bakewellians is David Raswon whose unstinting charity work has seen him recently awarded the BEM.
I asked when he was off to the palace?
He explained modestly that as there were so many people who got the medal he was to be presented with it by the Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire at Matlock.
Skant reward methinks for his work.
But on the plus side he has got an invite to the Queens Garden Party.
Heres's what the Derbyshire Times had to say.
Rotary Club of Bakewell member David Rawson, 77, is to become a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire after he has worked as a full-time volunteer on community and charity projects.

Fellow rotarian Derek Harrison said: “He’s the hardest working person I have ever met. He knows everyone in Bakewell and he’s the most delightful, pleasant person you would ever wish to meet. He really deserves this honour and I’m so pleased for him and his wife Tina who helps him with all his good work.”

Mr Rawson, of Bakewell, helps organise events, outings and visits for the elderly as well as a charity duck race. His other achievements have included Christmas street decorations, panto outings and charity street collections. He has also been a key contributor for the Aquabox Project which helps deprived and disaster regions suffering with pollution.

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