The Finnish Museum of Natural History

The Finnish Museum of Natural History is an independent research institution functioning under the University of Helsinki. It is also one of the three central national museums in Finland and responsible for the national collections in its field. The collections, which include botanical, zoological, geological and paleontological specimens from all over the world, serve research in the fields of biology and geology as well as educational purposes. from the webpage of the museum.


I was teaching in the hotel across the Museum of Natural History today. I remember as a child we visited that museum several times with school. The most exciting thing was an animal with two heads. Was a baby cow or an elk... Can't remember.

Today I had a severe episode of migraine as I was speaking at a conference. I lost my eye sight partially for about 25 minutes and the sawtooth pattern that I saw on the left side was stronger than ever. It was multiple and rainbow like. It was very scary. I was lucky that at that point most of the people had closed their eyes, so I just went and took out my meds and swallowed a pill and no one knew anything was going on... But for a while I thought that I have to stop and get to the ER. It was so scary. I've had one previous episode where I went totally blind for a while. I was sent to the central hospital for the MRI and the episode was diagnosed with migraine. That was about 10 years ago when I was under a very stressful life period. I didn't expect to get one ever again since I'm in a such a better place now days...

I'm still a bit shaky and under the weather, but hoping that a nice calm walk with the dogs will help. If that doesn't then a good nights sleep.

Nothing is work unless you'd rather be doing something else.
George Halas

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