Dog Tired

I had a request yesterday (thank you Lesley) to see a smart and groomed Dylan. I knew if I’d left it too long, say twenty four hours, he’d be back to his usual lovable, scruffy self so I thought I better place this today as his official April portrait.

He’s just come back from his morning walk and collapsed on the floor. I hadn’t gone around particularly quickly; I NEVER go anywhere quickly, so I can only put it down to the mass of pollutants in the air at the moment. As a heart patient I’m supposed to be affected by this pollution along with asthma sufferers, but so far, touch wood, I’ve been OK.

Ann’s seeing a friend this evening so I prepared myself a tea of (left-over) aubergine gratin served with basmati and wild rice, salad and ermm… baked beans (well I just fancied some). There were loads and it was delicious.

I’m now going to settle down with Dylan and watch The World’s End with Simon Pegg and Martin Freeman.

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