Hydro session number 3

Rafi had another hydrotherapy session today in Sheffield. It's been around a year since he set foot in a pool and the difference was plain to see. He was quite excited about going.He walked into the pool down the steps holding onto the rails (last time he was hoisted in) and was able to swim quite well with the aid of a 'noodle' float. Jodie came with us and they just messed about in the pool playing tig and squirting each other, just having fun!
We bumped into Anna one of the lovely physio's Rafi had when he was in Sheffield and Ronnie and Claire were with us at the pool, so nice to see them all again.
Rafi enjoyed himself so much he's keen to go swimming again, I'm hoping to take him swimming weekly.
Just seen that Rafi featured in my year ago blip and the year before that

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