Council Cock-up

Not only has the Cambridgeshire County Council been in charge of the long-winded bus stop shenanigans, that are still not complete; but they recently caused a furore when they changed, without consultation, the road priorities on a junction near me.

In a staggering display of illogicality the response to complaints about this "Give Way" junction being dangerous as people weren't giving-way.....was to ummm, take it away altogether ....and create a blind corner.....


Several of us have witnessed near-misses here as cars overtaking parked vehicles near to this bend - are suddenly confronted head on with a car turning around the corner.

At a Parish council meeting last night the decision was made to reinstate the junction with better and clearer road markings.

Here is a picture of said junction in lieu of a picture of a certain District and Council Council representative 's face and some egg!

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