
By stephenmarsh3

White Fang

Most of today has been taken up with setting things on the computer for They're not an easy company to deal with. I've said it before but these online booking companies are going to destroy the B&B industry. It's a very unfortunate state of affairs that we have to deal with them these days. On Tuesday we were at a meeting set up by Cumbrian Tourism, who are in the process of setting up an initiative to inform the public about why they should book direct. The online companies are basically sucking the industry dry with increasingly high commission charges. None of the huge profits they make are put back into the industry, in fact very little even stays within the UK by all accounts. It's the Starbucks and Amazon phenomenon again. It's been estimated that £40,000,000 in commissions may have gone directly to them from Cornwall alone last year. That's a huge amount for a county to lose and it's quite unsustainable. Profits need to be reinvested both in premises and locations for the long term, not stuck in some off shore bank accounts for a few greedy global booking companies. Spread the word please.
So with that said, I did get away from the desk for a short time and in my wanderings came upon this lovely lady. Isn't she cute. This evening is our darts team end of season night out at The George Hotel. I can taste the Cow Pie already! For those who have previously experienced the delights of Cow Pie, you'll know exactly what my digestive system is in for. For those that haven't a clue what I'm going on about; the full portion has 2Lbs of beef stuffed into it's generous pastry wrapping. Maybe I should take a doggy bag along with me for my new friend!

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