
By weewilkie

Colour is a feeling

Heading to work this morning. Rain stitching the sky to the street in needle craft. The bus was wet with body heat, breath and drying clothes condensing on the inside of windows. Then we stop. At the junction of Dumbarton Road and Byres Road we pull alongside a bin lorry and its warning lights. Through the window the light comes, diffused by the mist.
I responded to this sight immediately. The flare of colour. The blur. I was in a funny old mood till then, thinking about someone I wouldn't see today. And the colours fitted my emotion. Blue, heat expanding. Colour isn't a colour, it's an emotion. This was my morning feeling captured through the perspiring glass. Ohh how the heart burns like a sun trapped in ice. On the bus. This morning. The water trickling and melting the colours of my mood. This sudden glass portrait of desire.

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