
Heavy overnight rain persisted into the morning with the wetness hanging around all day. I liked this shot because of the different stages of the buds.

Also popped into the hardware store in Biggar for some nails. It is a brilliantly chaotic place. I walked in a determined fashion to the place where I thought the nails should be. They weren't there. An assistant asked if he could help. I reported that I was looking for nails.

What size?

Ahhhh. Normally I go into a DIY store and look at an array of plastic packets with some vague notion of size represented by a space between my thumb and forefinger. Not wishing to appear entirely amateurish, I said inch and a half. This is no place for metric I thought.

How much?

Ahhh. I hadn't thought about that. Maybe 25 I said. No idea where that came from. It was clear I had now been labelled.

The assistant proceeded to put a 100g weight on some old fashioned scales and poured some nails in until a glance was achieved. The nails were then placed in a paper bag upon which he wrote £1 before handing it to me.

Lot to be said for old fashioned service.

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