Heaven Hope

Queen once sang "It started out so well.." and so it was today, Friday, the end of the week, a week when I walked with my friend, shared their company and their energy that always uplifts my spirits.

Today however as the weekend draws near sadness has spread her cloak outwards and touched my life once again. A friend called this morning, early, experting the worst a call answered, not prepared for the words but their mum had passed away in the early hours, very unexpectedly but fortunately with her loved ones by her side. I do not have the words for them, all to often I write here and when I read back on previous entries I am sometimes surprised by what I read. I can articulate myself better when I write, it comes from my heart and from my soul and is honest but when it comes to speaking to someone especially at a time like this I find sadly that I stumble over clumsy words...

Today Scotland also lost an iconic figure, Margo Macdonald the politician, I am not political in any way but having heard Ms. Macdonald speak on the right to die and having met her briefly I admired her for the personality and conviction she portrayed, for the forthright and honest way she discussed her Parkinson's disease and for the dignity she displayed. My meeting was a few minutes in an suburban street in Edinburgh. Margo was getting out of her car to go to an appointment.I waited when the door of the car opened not knowing who it was. It was a cold frosty morning and the familiar voice called for me to pass. I was in no hurry and replied so and slowly and with help she emerged from the car onto the pavement. she greeted me and thanked me for my patience. I replied thanking her for the debate I had been fortunate enough to attend a few months earlier. She was interested in my views on the topic given I was an old fart law student and in those few brief magical minutes I glimpsed the person behind the politician.

Sadly our paths never crossed again. Today our Parliament and our country is a dimmer place. The clouds and the light passed fleetingly a welcoming to the fallen or just mother nature showing a little glimpse of things to come...

The day ended on a lighter note, the twins had a hockey match tonight and Mimi was man of the match two games in a week and both man of the match awards returned home with the twins one each, parity restored and smiles all round, thank goodness for the little people.

I hope you enjoy the shot

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