noble maggie

By maggiesays

Great Eggspectations!

In the small garden outside the classroom is a large tree surrounded by bushes and the street hedge. We usually have many birds on the feeders and usually one or two nests, so a couple of years ago we put up a nesting box with a camera inside. Last year there was nothing in it except spiders.
We had little hope this year as the school has been surrounded by scaffolding since October and our garden has been the building site for the roofers. Finally, the last skip was removed two weeks ago. So I switched on the monitor last week out of vain hope and was amazed and delighted to find a pair of coal tits busily building their nest!
This morning, Phil, our enthusiastic caretaker, couldn't wait to tell me that we had an egg! Being the last day of term, the timing is good - the proud parents can finishing laying and start incubating in relative peace and quiet. We hope.

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