
By rubyjones


I've always loved stalls like this.
Hardware shops too. The stuff people make, whether it's beautifully hewn hand shears from Sheffield, a plastic clock with goggle eyes that move as it ticks, measuring spoons, stacked plastic boxes, tiny magnifying glasses, novelty egg timers, I love it all.

Shoes and dresses just don't measure up.
I was sent out to buy a dress for an awards do last year and I came back
with two storm lamps. In the end I just put a framed 3D picture of Mother Teresa (with flashing halo) on my head, pork pies in my cleavage and smeared 3 in 1 oil (don't you love the smell?) all over my calves.

Luckily no-one else turned up in the same outfit.
That would have been sooooo embarrassing.

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