Year Two, Day Seventy Five - Feather

Another early post from me - getting to be a habit!

There was a bunch of feathers lying in the grass yesterday afternoon and after the morning walk with Aonghus, I was towelling him off when I saw this one after the rain. Best viewed large to see all the detail.

Took Aonghus to the vet the morning to get his ears checked out as they are very red and very smelly! I have been cleaning them out with ear cleaner for the last week but they were really bothering him on Thursday night so thought I'd best get them checked out! Slight infection so we have ear drops and we've to clean them every second day for a week then every day for 5 days after that - oh joy!

Going to Frankie & Benny's tonight for my niece's 18th family do. Scary, that means Dale is only one year away from being 18... Life is going by far too quickly just now!

Before dinner though, I need to go and put this shelf up...

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