A day early..

..last year, I ploughed on 6th April. Ploughed A's patch, and then drove down to do mine.

Croftcrafts turned up, and wanted a picture of me on the tractor. She went back to her car to get her camera, and when she got back I'd driven down the bottom. Hadn't seen her, sorry I. Tanni then jumped up at her and left muddy footprints. Tanni was in the dog-house.

Anyway, got dung spread, and ploughed in. The new patch was quite difficult, while last years patch was very easy going. Had a few friends with me too.

Been a dull day with occasional spots of rain..

Music, Jackie Leven again, but very apt for today.

"Working alone in the evening sun,
a man and two horses come,
pulling a plough on the far hillside,
today is done and the sun has died,
and leaves are turning yellow in my hair, in my hair.."

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