
By weeflecky

Thank you.....

.....to all you brilliant blippers, for teaching me so much, inspiring me, and making me smile every day.

I spent ages doing a silly selfie, with the help of my new tripod ~ a sort of homage to Mr John (toilet roll on head) and Im Indoors (International pants on head day), for my 100th blip, but it really did just look ridiculous! (If you want to see it email me, with 100 as the subject: mairifleck@live.co.uk)

I need to get my membership, so that I can add links! (Hope to get it for my Birthday)

Very wet and windy start to the day, but I was determined to shake off the gloom that started yesterday, so set off in the car, for a more interesting dog walk.

Went to the place of Magic Circles (cup and ring stones). We live in a very rich historical area.

I really wanted to take a good photo of raindrops, but I think it's a bit beyond my little old camera. Quite like this one of larch buds though.

Then the sun came out :-)

Just ordered a new phone with a 13mp camera ~ it will be good for work! (The boss reads this :-))

Looking forward to my next 100 blips :-)

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