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By Lostpixel

Hartshill Hayes recce

I did a quick walk around Hartshill Hayes this afternoon as a reminder to where the best places are likely to be for the proposed blip meet on 10th May. I was surprised to find that just one or two bluebells are already pushing out flowers.

A busy photographic day today. Work on prints for the 1st round of the Annual Competition in 10 days time, this sortie, some work on documents for the club, email address list, website.

In the middle of this I had to attend to Gail - she tried slicing off the end of her little pinkie. Not pink, lots and lots of red. It took twenty minutes to stop the flow so I could get a dressing on it. Thankfully, no longer term damage. This was caused during the production of a rhubarb tart. I'll be careful of the red bits……

Still got work to do collating the entries for the competition as our comp sect is unable to make the meet. A few more hours to do there still. :-(

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