Tough Game

When I got up and saw that it was pouring with rain and blowing a gale I knew the outdoor Softball season had begun.

We went to Farnham Park where all three diamonds were full; Under 13's, Under 16/19/25's and men's baseball. I met my friend Clare and we braved the elements in our camping chairs, with flasks, wooly hats, packed lunches and biscuits. My friend Karen said to me, 'I've got John's bivvy with me', a sentence that puzzled me for some time. Eventually it became apparent that she was talking about her husbands fishing bivouac. She didn't put it up though. I was disappointed; it's not often I feel like someone is appearing to he more eccentric than me.

Betsy wasn't well last night so I was a bit worried about her, especially as it was so cold & windy. They took a few breaks and Betsy was paler each time she came off. After about four hours she looked like a ghost and I insisted she called it a day. Reluctantly she agreed and changed out of her wet clothes and got in the car.

We headed home and she conked out within a few minutes. When she woke she had gone from white to bright pink with glittering eyes. She spent the rest of the day on the sofa under a blanket.

All and Chris a nice day. They went swimming, took Charlie out and then played chess (Al won).

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