Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Rince Nollaig (Christmas Dance)

"Elizabeth and Mikey, sittin in a tree,

The Lalor Centre and Tinahely Local Services rode into town this evening, for the BigMonsterChristmas "Do", all sparkly tops and spit-shined cowslicks.

Lock up your problems and prejudices, folks, cos they dont stand a chance in the face of this posse.

Put together a hundred or so citizens whose capacity for unbridled affection and goodnatured abandon is legendary, add a shitload of sugary (alco)pops to a Venga Boys Dancefloor Mashup Beat, and whaddya get?
A Helluva F#ckin Hooley.

Elizabeth called me up last week. Explained to me that she had an assignment, namely, to get her picture printed in the local paper.
Would I come to the Shindig? I, of course, agreed, but, I couldnt resist....

Me; "Havent you forgotten to say something, Liz?" (ie, the Magic Word)
Liz; "Yeah - Dont let me down."

Sails, Unwinded.

Liz had a surprise for me, though....
That Dark Tinahely Horse, Mikey, (of Tractor Run fame), and Liz are now..
AN ITEM!!!!!

Pah, these guys could show the French a thing or two about Romance...

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