
By joe_cool

Îles aux Pirates

It's not really an island, but it's almost surrounded by water.
It was a very popular place with kids when I was a boy.
Nowadays, it's mostly popular with beach walkers of all ages.

Today is Canada Day and, while driving to town to watch the show, there was this sky as the sun was leaving the horizon. The view is actually south, so it's the reflection of the sun on the clouds.

Originally I was going to try to blip some picture of the Canadian flag. But I could not resist this one because I'm a sucker for the sun and everything that comes with it.

We ended up not staying very long at the show. Our lack of sleep right now is in serious condition. Night, night.

P.S. Again (it seems to be a habit by now) I backblipped 5 days.
<== Check them out starting at June 26.

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