Windows in Time

By ColourWeaver

Puddle Pictures

Many years ago I entered a photographic competition on the theme of Trees. The person who organised it hated reflection, so armed with this knowledge, I took a lot of puddle pictures of upside down trees. Trees in puddle, ditch water, still streams, reflected in glass, car door mirrors, anything really so as not to win.

I guess the idea of not liking puddle pictures was like a red rag to a bull. I just took the dislike until I got the picture I wanted. So, one cold February afternoon at around 4pm ish on a Sunday walk around Brockenhurst I found the reflection I was looking for.

I entered the picture of trees reflected in an almost still New Forest stream and turned the picture upside down so the trees were the right way up in the image. I.E. The stream became the sky and the banks of the stream became cliffs of dark shadows boarding the sky.

Guess what? The person who created the challenge did not judge the competition she asked someone else to judge. Hence, this person liked reflections & I won!

The picture hangs on the lounge wall for all to see... If you look hard enough you will find the kingfisher in the upside tree.

However, there is no kingfisher in the puddle picture today!

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