Backward glance

Andy's nativity play was excellent, and he played the part of a wise man with panache and aplomb. He successfully resisted the urge to wave from the stage, but couldn't resist stealing a look back as he sat in the aisle, waiting to go on.

Afterwards, I went to say goodbye to Jack, whose funeral took place on a freezing, misty day in Edinburgh. I'd never heard Willie Nelson sing Someone To Watch Over Me, but the choice of song as we walked into the chapel seemed perfect. The celebrant did a very good job of re-telling Jack's life, and Gary said some touching and funny words - and afterwards there was comfort in spending time with people I haven't seen for far too long.

Lots of memories came back - but looking at the picture of Andy, I only now realise why one of those memories was of Jack's daughters - how long ago? - in the school production of Oliver.

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