
By JClemo

My Return

Wow, the month of March totally got away from and also the first week in April. It's hard to believe we're already well into April and my little girl is now over 12 months! These past weeks have been full of sewing, running, birthday parties and plenty of playing around!

In running news, I completed my first trail run ever. 10 miles at Horse Butte. Oh boy was it ever hard. I didn't do myself any favors by blowing off so many training runs this winter. It took a lot of mental strength to get myself through it. I determined a few things: 1. I NEED new shoes. I'll be hitting up Fleet Feet in the coming weeks for a new pair. 2. I NEED more distance on my legs. I felt really quite good until mile 7 and then things start to just fall apart and I was only hanging on by a prayer. I'm pretty certain that was due to inadequate distance training. Wallowing in my humility yesterday about how badly those dirt hills beat me, I sketched out a better training plan for the upcoming half marathon Memorial Day weekend. I also did a bit of soul searching regarding whether I actually want to even keep on running. I'm finding it hard to put in the miles and I wonder if that's due to lack of interest on my part? Does that mean I should just quit? I'm conflicted. I DO enjoy running and it helps keep me fit. I feel guilty for getting out there on long runs, though. It's so easy to talk myself into just staying in and playing with my little Princess. Before I had my little one I LOVED it and really looked forward to getting out there and pounding some serious pavement. It's been so hard to get back in shape after pregnancy. I'm no where near my middle pack pace and now I'm hanging in the back for races. It makes me feel slow and deflated. Mentally, I know I just need to get consistent. That's really the key. Consistency will get this extra weight off and get me back in my former pace range. Maybe the better weather and daylight will give me my mojo back. I do hope so as I really don't want to quit. Time will tell.

In contrast to my suppressed attitude about running, I have been excited about the state of things at Mt. Bachelor this spring! That is the mountain I've captured in this sunset picture. I've got my spring pass and a new snowboard and I'm stoked to get up there this weekend. My girlfriend from work and I are taking a half day off work on Friday to get some turns in before sunset. I've haven't been on my board in 2 years and I'm really thrilled to get back out there!

I haven't been blipping, but that doesn't mean I haven't been capturing pictures! If you're still reading, expect some back-blipping in the coming days.

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