
By Chook

G.I. Jose

I was in bed an hour before sunset last night.
J dragged me out thirteen hours later.
Could have slept a lot longer.
Glad I got up though, as it's been a really nice day.

Our planned picnic at Studley Park to farewell some friends moving back to South Africa didn't eventuate as it was raining.
Instead, we all picnic-ed on the floor of R+L's place with the enormous amount of food I'd bought at the market yesterday, and played with I and J's ten-month old girl, A.
Ended the picnic eating cupcakes and watching some of season eight of Family Guy.

Looked through some more Turkey photos while J had a nap, then we ventured out again to Fitzroy St for my friend C's birthday. Top night. Beers and talk about politics in Pakistan, what it's really like to be a policeman (C's girlfriend is a cop), dysfunctional relationships and whether it's ok for regular people to wear jerseys of the Tour de France teams. C took this photo of J and I with my camera.

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