
By HF1

Avenue of Trees near Badbury Rings

Ever since moving to Dorset in 1999 , I have been taken with this avenue of trees between Blandford and Wimborne.I assume they were planted as part of part of a carriage driveway to Kingston Lacy. Beech trees are some of my favourite trees anyway, as they remind me of Exmoor.
I had to go to the dentist in Lytchett Minster so I returned home via Wimborne and this avenue which seems to stretch for several miles. After a quick pit stop at home , I went on to Street to spend the afternoon with a friend and have a good 'chinwag'!
The Dorset and Somerset countryside at the moment is spectacular and the weather improved as the day went on. I left Street armed with freshly grown sprouting broccoli and rhubarb from my friend's allotment- nothing better.

Stanley is supposed to be revising and seems to be doing a fair amount of work interspersed with World of tanks online game. Last night he announced his intention to see if he could buy an old tank from the internet in the future- my reply was 'as long as you dont want to keep it on our driveway'! When I first started teaching at Bovington I was taken aback at the roar of tanks passing the school! ( Not my favourite mode of transport!)

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