
Spring must truly be on it's way, as my snowdrops are all up & blooming! We had a lot of things to do today after I got off of work, so I picked a few of the snowdrops & took a couple quick pictures. In hind sight I should have used a colored background, but as I was in a hurry to get a pic before we left, this is it for today. I DID add a border to give it a little more color.
You may recall my mentioning last week that someone filed fraudulent tax returns using my social security number, which has caused a whole slew of problems. Everyday more people I know are telling me that THEY know someone who had the same thing happen. It just seems rampant this year. Then I saw a story online--maybe some of you have seen it--that they've arrested a man from Vietnam who got a job at Experian (one of the 3 leading credit protection companies) to do background checks on people, but who was, in reality, stealing private information. It said they estimated that he had stolen (& sold) some 200 million social security numbers while he worked there!! So I'm wondering who did the background check on HIM before he was hired!! I hope they put him away for life!

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