
That’s what The Boss thought when he spotted this on our walk this afternoon.
I was waiting too to be unhooked from control but there were people, bikes and all manner of potential problems about so it was grin and mark it time instead.
As you can see it was a very nice day except for “X” who phoned in a right panic ‘Cos she had dropped her Iphone in the small room, into the small hole with the small amount of water and it didn’t go anymore. Apparently she then phoned the local Telco and got another lady who had just done the same thing and the conclusion was not good. The Boss does not carry anything anywhere that might drop off but kno’s of lots of blokes that carry phones in their top shirt pockets and have had “issues” of a similar nature. I am pleased to report that as I am not required to use small rooms my dPhone is perfectly safe attached to my Canadian collar unless I go swimming and The Boss being unsure of the strength of advertising removes it should this be a possibility.
I am pretty sure I can’t swim and bark at the same time anyway in spite of being a girl. Sigh.
The Boss says if you apply with a Choc Fish he may be prepared to let further details slip as he doesn’t really kno anyone whose name begins with “X”
You kno the place and time…Tomoro. Heh heh heh


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