
By Sheppitsgal

Sharing the Pain

So, Breakfast. Not mine, this is for Alan.

The title 'Sharing the Pain' - what does it mean? Well, I could tell you it's because:

: breakfast for Alan this morning was at 3.15AM!
: I am getting in early for any future BEST WIFE EVAH! contest, by preparing cereal and coffee for him at such an hour
: the occasional morning when I've sprinkled coffee on his cereal, instead of Splenda, and had to start again
: other mornings when I've forgotten to put milk on the cereal, or in his coffee - (I inform him as I climb back into bed that I might have done this)
: Did I mention 3.15AM???

But, no. Although it is all of the above, and more, the Pain I am sharing with you today is the Earworm from the cereal box. EVERY DAY when Alan has been at home, I have this song in my head.

For those youngsters who don't know what I'm wittering on about -

Only click this link if you are ready to have a really bad tune in your head

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