My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


After we moved a couple of years ago I lost touch with one of my neighbours, Tim... he moved away about a month before I did, we didn't intend to lose touch, it just happened. I had a phonecall on Sunday evening with the terrible news that he died suddenly a couple of weeks ago, just 47 years old. Cause unknown. Completely shocked, stunned and upset by the news.

During the eleven years we were neighbours we became friends... holding keys to each other's house, spending many a beer-filled evening putting the world to rights, watching football and motorsport, going for lunches, helping out around the house and generally being friends. He was the only person, other than me, that my late cat (Nike) trusted. Well, he did used to feed him crayfish tails... what cat could resist?!

It's difficult to find words to say to his girlfriend and his family, but I feel it's incredibly important to send cards to let them know that I am thinking of them at this most awful time. Even though I didn't know them, I knew their beloved Tim and find it hard to comprehend what has happened.

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