Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei


These are photographs of me playing at one of my favourite ever gigs in the last 8 years.

It was at the Wizard Festival in Aberdeenshire. Big stage, crowd that was well up for it and a moment where everything seemed to just work the way it should.

I've a friend, Day of The Tripods. He is the photographer and I decided in a very unusual move to order some prints of myself from the day, hence the blip title.

Originally I was only aware of the one where my hair is defying gravity but then my friend showed me more from the same few minutes of shooting. Now I Like them all!!!
When I asked my wife what she thought of the idea her reply was ace.. A fantastic opportunity for a bit of ribbing, but no.

"I think u should, because the older you get the less chance there will be of some great photos". Good advice... But which one to frame???
I can't decide.

Thanks for looking.


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