
By 5nations

Some things are best left behind closed doors

I don't mind confessing to this as I know i'm not the only parent that resorts to extremely low manners when in a time of a crisis (oh god I hope i'm not the only one anyway!)
There comes a time during certain days when i'm all tired out of entertaining. I've done the okey-kokey, i've sang to my hearts content. I've given the piggy back rides, i've let them draw on the walls, wipe snot on the sofa, eat toilet roll, and poke spaghetti and raisins up their noses.
Nothing else will entertain them so they start getting stroppy...

Quick brain think of something that used to make you laugh when you were little.... erm.... oh yes... "Honor, Jude, quick... pull my finger"
and obviously you all know what comes after that!

Well they found it highly hillarious and on the odd occasion I have had to repeat this behaviour but under extreme 'i can't think of anything' conditions.

Honor asked me infront of all the other parents at pre-school if she could 'pull my finger' and mummy will 'burp'.
'What are you talking about child'????
'O.K mummy, you pull my finger and i'll burp'...
'I have never seen this child in my life'.

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