Up to my armpits in water

It looked at first as though it had rained overnight but it could not have been more than a few seconds of drizzle. Not a drop to be seen in the rainwater collectors. At 11:00 set off to collect some edging slabs for the vegatable garden (still untouched weed patch). 2 miles away the roads were wet, 5 miles away the windscreen wipers were switched on and when I got to my destibation 15 miles away, I got soaked in the 15 minutes it took me to load the trailer.

On the way home on the motorway it rained so hard that the traffic was forced to slow down and the wipers changed to full speed. The nearer I got to home, the less it rained and again the last 2 miles were dry as a bone. At home not a drop had fallen.

And so it remained all day. I set to work remodelling stones around the pond, including having to manoeuvre 30-40kg one's around on the pond floor. So I got wet again but only my arms. Goldfish and frogs who are very busy did not appreciate my work.

The Blip was taken with the mobile on the way home - wet roads and on the edge one can see a 20-30cm high green fence. These spring up all over the place at this time of year, usually accompanied by speed restrictions and at night flashing yellow lights and people all over the road with neon jackets and buckets. It's "Toad crossing the road" time, taken very seriously here, even with very expensive toad crossings under the autobahns.

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