Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Syringa Vulgaris.

More widely known as Common Lilac. This is a species flowering plant of the Olive family (Oleacea) which is native to the Balkan Peninsula, Eastern Europe and Asia.

Hi Everyone, Have been off air for awhile but have been busy at work who needless to say are causing me problems, in the hours I do and adding pressure for performance. Oh how I would like to tell them to poke it where the sun does not shine!!. I have to bite my tongue and get on with it as it is only another year and 10 months before I retire.

Have been out in the garden again and took a shot of this Syringa plant.
As you can see it is producing flowers and this was only part of the bush which we have had for about three years now.

Enjoy and take care.

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