Happy Birthday Amanda

So lovely to have my house full of girls this morning. Not only girls but tea, croissants, flowers, sunshine and birthday cake.

This was our breakfast at 11.00am.

I hope you enjoyed the surprise decorations and presents Amanda, it was lovely hosting your birthday breakfast, and hope to see you on blip soon!

In bus stop news...

You won't believe it, really you won't...
I challenge you to stop your jaw dropping open ....
A lorry appeared with a winch,
It had some "perspex?" panes for the bus stop over the road,


The men installed them, (hooray)
I went over to have a chat when I saw them eating their sandwiches in the lorry..hoping for a celebratory "bus stop finished shot" for my montage...

Seems there weren't enough perspex panels,
So they'll have to come back....
No sorry, they have no idea when!

So three months in and still waiting....

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