
By HeywoodDays

Riding an elephant

After a fairly good night as in Jessica woke twice and Ben only once!! After a swim with Nanny we all went to Whipsnade for a fab day in the sun. We saw tigers lions cheetahs all of whom were sunning themselves.

We saw a seal lion show...well Nanny and Ben did. Jessica decided she wanted milk so there I am feeding her surrounded by pushchairs to protect our modesty when what do you know someone come and stands right behind us! Ah well Ben loved the show and only got slightly splashed☺ The giraffes were huge...even the baby but Ben insisted they were smaller than daddy! However Ben loved the train cue lots of actions and choo choos from Ben. Thank goodness we found a tractor even if the bigger boys weren't letting Ben drive it. We also saw some elephant's that Ben loved as the photo shows. Jessica was a superstar after crying most of the way to the zoo, we had lots of smiles a snooze in the buggy. Followed by an afternoon with Nanny carrying her on the baby carrier. In fact the day was so successful that Ben feel fast asleep in the car and didn't stir when moved to Nanny's sofa☺

Fingers crossed Mike and I get a good night starting well both kids sleeping now, chilli demolished, masterchef new Zealand on and beer in hand☺ yay

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