Boundary oaks

After a frantic few hours of working, we all set off for Roydon Common in Norfolk as part of Pete's birthday celebrations. The weather was cool but bright, but unfortunately we timed our arrival at the site just to coincide with a couple of showers. The wind was also very cold and we hunted around for a while to find a sheltered corner to have our picnic.

Luckily the rain soon blew over and it turned out to be a ideal weather for walking. We had hoped to do a circular walk, but part of the reserve was closed to avoid disturbance to the nesting curlew, so we had to retrace our steps, which added quite a distance. I was worried about Rosie, but she coped remarkably well, though she was very glad to get back into the car at the end of the day.

Most of the site is heathland, which was still looking rather bleak and wintry, but for a while we walked along this rather splendid row of sinuous oaks, which is located on an ancient bank marking the parish boundary between Roydon and Grimston. Their expansive limbs make a sheltered tunnel, a perfect union of landscape history and nature.

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