
But interesting still. I loved the spiky shapes these tulips made....The Rev thought I was bonkers but agreed they did make an unusual blip!

The day started with ordering a new dishwasher as ours had broken last night...they got the wrong delivery address so it had to be cancelled and re-ordered, then I discovered overnight it had recovered and was now working!!! So it had to be cancelled again....thanks Currys for being so understanding!!

I visited the family of a lad with special needs we used to foster....he was 12 when we started to have him for weekend breaks and we had to stop when he was 18 but by then then our families were linked. It was lovely to have a brief catch up.

When The Rev came home we did a 3 mile walk via the cake shop from yesterday and shared a slice of after eight cake!!!

Now trying to get our eldest organised for his long weekend to Berlin with his girlfriend K (I hope she blips whilst they are away). O had a brilliant first day in his new job as a chef up The Shard...although he doesn't officially start until after exams (next week) and Easter he couldn't wait to get in.

TODAY'S SMILE: a walk with my hubbie!

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