Eternal Love

By eternallove

How have you been?

It's been 20 some years now since you've been part of my life.
I don't remember if I was overly excited about the idea of having a younger brother.
But I can say that I was happy about being the older sibling.
We've had our up's and down's.
There were times when I really hated you, while other times I just loved you so much.
We had a blast growing up together, and I really wouldn't change it for anything else.
If I had one wish, that would be a chance to go back to when we were little, playing with one another.

Now that we're both adults, it's hard to really get the chance to hang out.
We both have our own lives, our own path, and our own dreams that we're pursuing.
But... I can always say that whenever we do meet, it's never awkward and it's just easy to do things together.
Waiting for the day when we'll get to see one another, my excitement builds.
But until that day.. I will continue to pray for you and be happy with what we are both doing.

Happy National Sibling Day!

(totally didn't know it was today. lol)

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