
Spent a good portion of the morning trying to find firewood for our wood-burning stove so we can get to work on our sap. We've got about 10 gallons so far - only enough for about 2 pints of maple syrup. We are hoping to collect about 40 gallons, but time is running short.

Some lumber yards will give scrap wood for free, only problem is that you've got to haul it away yourself, and we don't have a pick up truck. Still, I got a bit of an insight into the local lumber industry - trees being sawn into planks, planks being milled into moulding - it's a serious business in these parts.

We ended up finding our wood on the next 'block' - a local woodcutter (woodcutting being one of his many talents) had stacks of it for sale. We bought pile in the picture. Should be boiling our sap by the weekend.

I should also mention that it was an absolute peach of a day - almost reached 70˚ in the afternoon. When I look out of the window about half of the ground is now bare. Hard to believe that so much snow could melt so quickly.

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