Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Cemetery Road Primrose

Day 15 post surgery and the 3rd day I've walked up into Cemetery Road-------Yippee! , the 1st time with Camera. I managed a good 3/4hr pottering around. The Cemetery is awash with Primrose and Bluebells so I guess that's what you'll get over the next few days.
I had a lie in this morning listening to 'The Reunion' 30years since the Miners Strike. I'm sure many of you remember it clearly as I do. I was struck with how skilfully Sue McGregor handled such a delicate gathering : no tempers lost, everyone heard. Now we know with the release of Cabinet papers, what we suspected at the time : a Union was to be destroyed and made a clear example of HMG power. Tragedy, that many never recovered from.

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