Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Well, well, well.

This is a well found at the bottom of ours and next door neighbours garden.

Gary, from next door, chapped at the door this morning. I answered and he looked a bit worried

"Have u got 5 mins? I need you to see this."

Shoes on and away we went.

"Do you know if there's a well or something in our garden?"

"Yes! I remember the previous owner mentioning it and I've looked but never found it."

The relief on his face was brilliant. Basically Gary had been digging his garden getting it ready to plant when some earth fell away. He had heard it splashing and explored a little further to then watch as a hole appeared. He thought he'd found a sinkhole or collapsed sewer or some sort of pot holing cave type thing... Scary whatever it could have been.
Anyway a long story short, he dug it out and replaced and recovered it.
It is deep! About meter and a half diameter with water at the bottom.
Think we might excavate a bit more in the future and re establish our well. Lovely thing to find. We need to find out how old it is though.

Thanks for looking

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