The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis

R is for Rice

I have food poisoning. Not sure of the exact cause but suspect a pasta and peso salad I got from the reduced aisle, eaten past it's use-by date. I don't often pay much attention to expiry dates, but perhaps I should.

Woke suddenly at around 1 am to be sick and this continued on half-hourly intervals throughout the night. By morning the vomiting had ceased but there were still stomach issues....

A day in bed spent trying to work it through me. The rice was about the only ingredient I had for the BRAT diet, no bananas, no applesauce, toast available but then I'd want spread on it. My abdominal cavity feels like someone's thrown paint stripper at it, so bland food that won't irritate it further is needed.

It's weird losing a whole day of your life. I've just written off today and and confident things will be better tomorrow - the signs are good!!!

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