A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

I knew it was going to be a one of those days.

I got to work and whilst I was in the lift I had a wardrobe emergency. I burst forth from my blouse and spent the first 10 minutes of the morning in the toilet sewing it up.
I managed to get quite a bit of work done before I realised I had forgotten my phone.
Mam would be beside herself without her phone call assuming I had been in an accident, fallen in the river or been the victim of an axe murderer. I had to go home for it. So I didn't get my lunchtime walk. So the only exercise I managed today was balancing on the garden table taking a photo of the sunset(ish) over the neighbour's rampant buddleia.
And now I've got a sore throat.

(what a grump)

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