
By Cygnus

Saving graces

The Ards Man was muttering mutters about sailing up to the Abercorn Basin in Belfast today, but the forecast of gusts of up to 30 knots gave us pause. And the wind would be right on our nose, making for a rather bumpy passage!

So discretion was the better part of valour and we will sail up at another time. Meanwhile I went to Donaghadee to check out the conditions at the coast, while the Ards Man stayed at home to work on crafting a new hat stand. For our many hats. It was indeed very breezy and also quite cold. The mooring buoys are in the harbour, but no boats attached to any as yet.

There were two brave souls wrapped in thick coats, scarves, hats and gloves sitting on the pier, contemplating the view. At least it was sunny!

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