Chick & rabbit

Well, I didn't have a great night last night. I was up late, I eventually went to bed but woke up at midnight with a bad coughing fit. I was then sick. I have never seen daddy jump out of bed so quick. So now mummy and daddy think I have a sickness bug.

When we all woke up this morning, I felt fine but not very hungry. I had a little dry cereal, toast and my milk. Oh and lots of water.

As I was sick swimming was off this morning so we packed up and headed home. Didn't even get to claim my free ice cream. Hmmmph.

As we were home early mummy and I went to visit grandma and grandad. I was a little shy at first but settled down, even lying across the sofa at one point. It was all going so well, until I was sick and then had a really horrible nappy. So we headed home, which was just as well as I had a really bad nappy .

Quick bath and clean jammies, did me the world of good. Come tea time I still wasn't hungry so I has a small snack. I'm now off to bed early.

Oh my picture is my new jumper with quack on the front and my rabbit mask from grandma.

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