For the Birds

…in Spring Lake Park. As we got out of the car, a Canada goose flew overhead, honking loudly to an unseen partner. A little farther down the path a night heron stood on a rock in the middle of a lagoon covered by some kind of water plant. He was intently following some prey in the water, unfazed by the runners in underwear passing by on their "Undy Run" a benefit for colon cancer. I thought for sure that runners in their underwear would be my blip today, but it was chilly and most of them sported boxers and y-fronts over their tights. After watching the heron stalking his prey like a cat, eventually dipping his beak into the water without getting his feet wet, I knew I had my blip in the can.

Dozens of Barn Swallows swooped and dived over the marsh catching flying insects in mid-air. and the Redwing Blackbirds showed off the brilliant red spots on their wings as they preened themselves in the overhead branches. Two older gentlemen sat on a bench overlooking the serene view, chatting to each other.

The songs of all sorts of unseen  birds orchestrated the scene with a music all its own. It was definitely a morning for the birds at Spring Lake.

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