
By Roseyrose

So I chose this pic as I made it and posted it to Facebook for national sibling day!

I'm exhausted! The Reiki course was amazing!! I'm going to write it all down so I remember it!
We had 2 attunements today and got 2 tomorrow. The attunements open you up to Reiki and connect you to the universal energy and the first one was intense! We all closed our eyes with our hands on our laps facing palms up and meditated and waited for the master to get to us to do the attunement. The first thing I felt was sudden heaviness and tingling in my palms, like I was holding 2 dense balls. It was like they had been dropped into my hands i could feel the heaviness out of nowhere.
I didn't even know he was there until that happened then as he carried on with my attunement he put my palms together and my hands and eyelids started vibrating loads, I was struggling to keep them in place. At the end he put my hands on the opposite shoulders and I could feel it rushing through me my whole body my upper body where my hands were was buzzing, really vibrating I felt like I was shaking! Waves of energy were pulsing through my head! Amazing! Did not expect it to be that powerful I was blown away! The second one was not as intense as the first but still had some vibration and rushes of energy but this one made me really relaxed, I felt miles away. After both I felt a bit disconnected and floaty for a while when we came back around. I need to learn how to ground myself properly afterwards. Got 2 more attunements tomorrow to become complete. I don't know exactly what he did but there was some drawing of the Reiki symbols on my palms and other places, possibly around the head as he was in front and behind, but they don't touch you when they draw so I don't know what the whole process was.

We gave ourselves a self treatment and gave a taster head session to each other. It was soooo relaxing it put me into almost meditative state when my partner did it to me, felt like we were the only people in the room despite there being around 20 people around. Tomorrow after our attunement is complete we give each other full treatments.

When I gave it to my partner she said she felt my hands moving around her head in different positions even though she could feel them where they were. I forgot about this until I was doing some reading online last night and read that feeling extra hands is the practitioner's spirit guides helping with the treatment. Amazing!

It's not just for physical healing it's for emotional healing too so is brilliant for stress, anxiety, depression etc and brings about positive changes in your life though not always the way you'd expect. It's quite closely related to Buddhism principles and what I believe, reincarnation to learn life lessons etc. Every time you give a Reiki treatment you also receive one as the energy is flowing through you. I'm really excited for tomorrow!

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