
By Technophobe

Off To The Races

I went to my first official Blipmeet today, at Stratford races. It's well nigh impossible to get a decent picture of horses going at that speed even if you have lots of flashy kit and you know what you're doing, so with iPhone I gave up and am blipping the blippers instead.

This is Hillyblips, PaulaK and Draco trying to see whether any of their shots were any good. I'm sure they were and they will appear on blip later. There were quite a lot of chopped off hooves, half-heads, blurred fences etc etc. I hope everyone got something Blipworthy out of their hundreds of shots.

LooseCanon was also at this event, in fact he organized/ suggested it. Thank you Peter. He wasn't allowed in my shot though, as he hasn't got long blonde hair.

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