
By lyndylooloo

Mini oasis

All around the garden there are small pockets of colour popping up. The sun made an appearance today so we were able to play out this afternoon. Miniman scored dozens of championship winning goals for Leicester City before demanding ice cream with menaces.

We had already visited the local Dobbies garden centre this morning to look for birthday treats for my big bro who celebrates on Tuesday. Of course we had to visit the cafe for drinks & cake before we headed home to bake a birthday cake for him (I hope he likes butterflies).

Nana had made us a specially requested 'Christmas dinner' which actually means we had roast chicken dinner with pigs in blankets & brussels (for miniman & nana. I don't do the evil green balls) so we'd walked up to her house with Booboo, well I walked, miniman ran & skipped and Booboo wandered & sniffed. Sunday lunch always tastes better when your mum has cooked it and she still lets me steal most of the skin off the chicken. Yes I know it's really bad but I love it! Come to think of it we've had quite a few culinary treats today... Anyone for a glass of vino rosso & a chocolate?

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